MENOPAUSE reduced amount of estrogen

* Menopause signals the cessation of ovulation, which results in a reduced amount of estrogen and progesterone production and thus the end of menstruation and fertility. Menopause occurs in women in their forties or fifties and may occur for up to five years.
* In some countries, mostly Western, women suffer a great deal of symptoms during menopause, however, in many countries menopausal women suffer no symptoms at all. It is thought that diet and mental attitude have a profound effect on menopausal women.
* The reduction of the production of estrogen has far ranging effects on a woman’s body, as it is involved in many functions other than reproduction. Some effects of reduced estrogen production (other than menstruation) include the loss of skin moisture, osteoporosis and increased risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

* The natural process of aging.

* Symptoms of menopause include cessation of menstruation, depression, hot flushes, dizziness, fatigue, itching, emotional problems or mood swings, poor concentration and memory, perspiration, vaginal changes and urinary incontinence. It is worth noting that in many countries menopausal women do not suffer any symptoms.

Lifestyle symptoms
* Quit Smoking – smoking contributes to heart disease and cancer, both of which menopause also increases the risks of. See smoking for information on how to quit.
* Exercise – helps to reduce stress and lack of exercise is thought to be one of the major contributing factors to osteoporosis. Low impact exercise such as walking, yoga, cycling or swimming helps to maintain muscle and bone integrity, reduce stress and maintain cardiovascular fitness.
* Dietary Changes – diet is an important method of controlling menopause symptoms.
– Avoid caffeine, alcohol, sugar, hot and spicy foods as they can contribute to hot flashes and moodiness.
– Reduce salt intake as salt increase the amount of calcium excreted in urine and increases the risk of osteoporosis.
– Eliminate meat and avoid dairy products as they contribute to hot flashes instead take in plenty of plant protein. Consumption of animal protein is one of the main factors which contribute to loss of bone density (osteoporosis).
– Eat a diet high in phytoestrogens or plant estrogens such as oats, carrots, apples, soy products, corn, and flaxseed, as they help to alleviate symptoms of menopause. Other foods such as fennel, nuts, seeds, dates, celery and parsley may also help to reduce symptoms of menopause.
* Meditation – self-realization. Menopause is thought to bring on many emotional responses, as it is a milestone in a woman’s life. Due to the emphasis in Western society and increasingly in other societies, on being young, feminine and beautiful, a woman may perceive these values to be important, and she may not feel to be of much value while she is going through menopause. Meditation and self realization may help a woman who is experiencing such pain to come to understand the value of having her body no matter what age it is, or how it looks and thus to understand menopause for its real meaning.
* Stress Management – an important part of a natural therapy for menopause. The adrenal glands are one of the body’s sources of estrogen after menopause, if the body and or mind is stressed, the adrenal glands may be inhibited from carrying out it’s all important job of estrogen production. Daily stress management routine may include breathing exercises, meditation and yoga.

* As menopause is a natural part of the aging process, there is no cure, however if a woman suffers symptoms of menopause they may be alleviated with therapies including massage, meditation, aromatherapy, reflexology, acupuncture and yoga. Diet and exercise is thought to have a profound effect in relieving symptoms.
* Some women opt for conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as a method of alleviating symptoms, however there is considerable doubt over the long term safety of these drugs. It is thought that HRT increases the risk of uterine fibroids, cancer, asthma, gallstones, depression, blood clots and other PMS-like symptoms. Women with cardiovascular disease, migraines, hypertension or cancer are recommended not to take HRT.


VITAMIN B6 – PYRIDOXINE – helps the body to excrete toxins, reduces fluid retention and helps the body to manufacture prostaglandins, which maintain hormone balance. Natural sources of vitamin B6 include peas, cabbage, potato, soybean, broccoli, carrot, brewer’s yeast, blackstrap molasses, brown rice, spinach, avocado, tempeh, alfalfa, whole grains, corn sunflower seeds and cantaloupe. 150 mg daily in divided doses may help relieve symptoms associated with menopause. Note that the use of cortisone drugs prevents the absorption of vitamin B6.

VITAMIN D – helps the body to absorb and use calcium and helps maintain the integrity of bones. Natural sources of vitamin D include dandelion greens, sweet potatoes, vegetable oils, alfalfa and parsley. Direct exposure to sunlight also helps the body to produce it’s own vitamin D. Always take vitamin D with calcium.

VITAMIN E – reduces the symptoms of hot flashes, dizziness, fatigue, perspiration and many other symptoms of menopause. Vitamin E oil applied directly to the vaginal wall helps to prevent drying. Natural sources of vitamin E include dark green leafy vegetables, oats, soybeans, cold pressed vegetable oil, dandelion, brown rice, sweet potatoes, wheat, cornmeal, nuts, seeds and alfalfa. 100 – 1,500 iu daily in divided doses may help relieve symptoms of menopause. Begin with a low dose and slowly increase the dose until symptoms are improved. Emulsion forms are recommended. Take according to label instructions if you suffer from diabetes, overactive thyroid, or are taking anticoagulant medication.

CALCIUM – helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, blood clotting, muscle cramping, heart disease and other symptoms of menopause. It is worth noting that there are many other factors including the reduction of the intake of animal protein and regular exercise, which play just as big a role in the onset of osteoporosis. Natural sources of calcium include leafy green vegetables, almonds, alfalfa, chamomile, cabbage, fennel seed, cheese, oats, lemon grass, sesame seeds, tofu, brewer’s yeast, dandelion, blackstrap molasses, fenugreek, prunes, peppermint, and milk products. Use chelate form. 2,000 mg daily may help with symptoms of menopause. Seek medical advice before taking calcium if you suffer from hyperparathyroidism, kidney disease or sarcoidosis, or if you are taking a calcium channel blocker for heart problems or high blood pressure. Increased calcium intake may require increased magnesium intake.

MAGNESIUM – a deficiency of magnesium is thought to be associated with symptoms of PMS. Natural sources of magnesium include brewer’s and torula yeast, peppermint, grapefruit, alfalfa, parsley, brown rice, avocados, bananas, seaweed – dulse and kelp, leafy green vegetables, blackstrap molasses, apples, sesame seeds and soy products. 400 – 1,000 mg daily in divided doses of chelate from may help with symptoms. High doses of magnesium may cause diarrhea. Consult your physician before taking magnesium supplementation if you have kidney disease.

ZINC – helps to reduce the risk of loss of bone density, helps with the absorption of some vitamins and generally helps to relieve the symptoms of menopause. Natural sources of zinc include brewer’s and torula yeast, pecans, parsley, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, soybeans, seaweed – dulse and kelp, mushrooms, rose hip and alfalfa. 50 mg daily may help with the symptoms of menopause. Do not take more than 100 mg of zinc per day as this may suppress the immune system. Copper and zinc should be taken together.

BERGAMOT – essential oil. Used for depression and stress in a burner – add 6 drops to a deep dish ceramic burner, filled with filtered water. Bergamot is also used in carrier oil and massaged onto the body. A blend of bergamot, sweet orange and clary sage may be used in massage oil or in a warm bath. Essential oil should equal three percent of total oil content. Add essential oil to the bath after the water has been drawn and agitate the water before getting in. Do not apply before exposure to the sun. Do not use clary sage pregnant or if drinking alcohol.

BLACK COHOSH, BLACK SNAKEROOT – has an estrogen like effect and is used to alleviate hot flushes, nerves and any PMS-like symptoms. Do not take for more than six months. Do not take if pregnant or lactating.

DANDELION – greens. Is thought to help prevent breast cancer and helps to reduce fluid retention. Avoid dandelion if you have ulcers or gall stones.

GERANIUM – essential oil. Geranium is used for depression in a massage oil, bath or burner, and may be blended with other oils used for depression. If you have sensitive skin, do a patch test before using geranium.

GOTU KOLA – helps to alleviate water retention, improves depression, helps to reduce blood acidity (which also decreases the risk of osteoporosis) and helps with fatigue. Use according to label instructions. Do not use externally.

LAVENDER – essential oil. Is used neat massaged onto the temples for relief of headaches. Use six drops in a ceramic burner with a deep dish, filled with filtered water to relieve stress. Lavender may also be used in massage oil, massaged onto the back of the neck and shoulders to relieve stress. Essential oil should equal three percent of total oil content. Lavender may also be used in a warm bath to help with insomnia, stress and headaches.

LEMON BALM, MELISSA OFFICINALIS, MELISSA. – tea. Is recommended for moodiness, anxiety and nervousness. Use according to label instructions.

ST JOHNSWORT, ST JOHN’S WORT – used for depression, anxiety, sleep problems, nervousness, sadness and exhaustion. Use according to label instructions and take for a few weeks for optimal result. High doses may cause photosensitivity. Do not use if you are taking antidepressant drugs.

VALERIAN – helps to relieve the PMS-like symptoms that sometimes accompany menopause. Use according to label instructions. Do not use alcohol while taking valerian.

CHASTE TREE, VITEX, AGNUS CASTUS. – Is used to alleviate symptoms of menopause. Use according to label instructions.

WILD YAM – has a hormone like effect and is used to alleviate hot flushes and other symptoms related to menopause. Use according to label instructions.

YLANG YLANG – essential oil. Used in a burner, warm bath or massage oil for depression, anxiety, fear, anger and frustration. Ylang ylang may be blended with other oils used for depression.

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